Home > Beads > Pendants > Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms
29mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Amethyst
29mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Carnelian
29mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Howlite Turquoise
29mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Mixed Gemstones
29mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Moonstone
29mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Rose Quartz
29mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Tourmaline
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Amethyst
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Garnet
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Howlite Turquoise
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Lapis
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Mixed gemstones-1
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Mixed gemstones-2
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Red Coral
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Rose Quartz
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Tourmaline
49mm Natural Gemstone Tree of Life Pendant/Charms - Unakite
Two sizes, 29mm and 49 diameters.